We want the best experience for your dog…
How do I book an appointment?
You can book an appointment by visiting the salon during opening hours or by telephoning the salon on 0113 457 1116, I have an answering machine to take your call out of hours.* Please book appointments by telephone or in person only.
How long is your waiting list?
I'm open 5 days a week so can accommodate with a wider choice of appointments. Please call me to arrange the best appointment time that suits you.
How long will you keep my pet for?
Appointments are 2 hours per dog.
Do I need to walk my dog before the appointment?
Before arrival please walk your dog to release some energy and toilet before the grooming process starts. This makes the process easier and more enjoyable for your dog.
Does my dog go in a cage?
Your dog will be in a cage but for the shortest time possible.
Can you de-matt my dog?
See Matted Dog Policy . Download and fill out the Matted Dog Release Consent Form.
Is there anything I should bring?
All dogs should arrive with a collar and lead. You could also bring a treat with your dog-preferably something really tasty which your pet wont refuse. This acts as a really good reward for good behaviour and helps me to gain your dogs interest.
Why can you not give me a definite price over the phone?
Prices are set realistically depending on the breed and work to be carried out but you may incur additional charges for removal of stubborn knots and unkempt coats. All prices will be confirmed after I have concluded a consultation with you the owner and your dog present at the salon.
Do you charge a 'no show' fee?
As I lose money when business does not show up. I charge a percentage of the cost of the full groom for no shows. This money must be paid before another appointment is made. Please contact me in advance to cancel appointments.
My dog can be aggressive?
Muzzles may be used only as a last resort and normally if required, will only be applied for a very short part of the process. If I come across any serious problems during a visit I will of course discuss them with you so we can agree on a solution together.
How frequent should I have my dog clipped?
Normally 6 to 8 weeks. Frequency of grooming visits will depend on the breed of dog and your choice of styling for your pet.
“My fashion philosophy is, if you're not covered in dog hair, your life is empty.”
“Once you have had a wonderful dog, a life without one is a life diminished.”
Top 10 reasons…
why it costs more to get your pet groomed than your own hair...
10. Your hairdresser doesn't wash and clean your rear end.
9. You don't go eight weeks without washing or brushing your hair.
8. Your hairdresser won't be cleaning out your ears.
7. Your Hairdresser doesn't remove eye boogies from your eyes.
6. Your hairdresser won't be giving you a sanitary trim.
5. You sit still for your hairdresser.
4. Your haircut charge doesn't include a manicure or pedicure.
3. Your hairdresser only washes and cuts the hair on your head.
2. You don't bite or scratch your Hairdresser.
And lastly…
1. The likelihood of you pooping on your hairdresser is pretty unlikely!